Light-Up Animated Christmas Village Street Set
This stunning animated Christmas Scene showing a snowy street surrounded by Christmas trees, wrapped up villagers and even Santa is an amazing addition to your festive display this year, creating a fun and festive winter village within your own home! With an adorable bookshop, gift shop and theatre, multi coloured light-up elements with street lights and glowing windows alongside the bustling atmosphere it will truly be a show stopping accessory for any Christmas display.
Indoor Use Only.
Requires 2x AAA Batteries (not included) for 11 LEDs with 72 hours working time
- 3x houses- 7.5x10x14cm
- 3x big tree- 14cm
- 5x small tree- 5cm
- 2x street light- 10cm
- 1x Santa- 6cm
- 3x villagers- 5cm